Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Light Workers Gift And The Indigo and Crystal Children

A Lightworker is one who volunteered, before birth, to help the planet and its population heal from the effects of fear. He or she is one who is here for a sacred purpose, however with all the material focus here on earth, they entered into a form of amnesia and forgot their identities and their abilities to help. They have forgotten what they signed up for, but are sensitive to the fact that they feel compelled to make the world a better place before leaving.
All humans are here for personal growth, and the Lightworkers are here for the same personal growth, but are also here on a global mission. The biggest of which is to teach about love in some form, though they are here for all sorts of missions such as healers, teachers, artists etc.
Lightworkers are considered earth, or human angels, and have been here for eons, and have probably been Lightworkers in other life times. They are the role models for others even though they feel different. They try to fit in and act normal but it doesnt usually work. Some feel as though they were dropped off on this planet by a space ship, and it isnt as though they wanted to come. They were told they were needed here by the heavenly recruiters.
Lightworkers have always come in answer to prayers from earth, and after WW2, and in the 1950s, they heard the prayers from here for additional angel help, so more and more came. There are many young Lightworkers and the Indigo children, who have a mission of their own, are here in answer to those Lightworkers prayers.
These angels may not know who they are, but if any of the following sounds like you maybe you are missing your calling:

You feel called to heal others.

You have mystical experiences.

You feel compelled to write, teach or council.

You know that you are here for a higher purpose even though unsure of what it is.

You hear an inner calling.

You are very giving, but need to learn to balance with receiving.

Many of you remember being asked, as a child, what do you want to be when you grow up? what you said then was a gift or clue as to what your mission is now, or at least in some form of the same.

The Indigo Child & the Crystal Child
The Indigo child is ushering in a new energy which is moving that energy from Patriarchal to Matriarchal, male to female. Findings from Pet Scans show they are right brained dominant. The left brain rules phonetics and the frontal lobe plans the future, but the right brain involves feelings, music, the abstract and the intuitive. All they need to see is a picture and they can spell the word. It is part of the human evolution process.
The Indigos are called that because they carry the Indigo color; the life color or aura seen around these people; for those of us who can see auras. They are replacing the fuchsia and magenta auras of yesteryear. All auras are representative of the generations of life colors which are relative to what our life purpose is. These children are the leaders and warriors of tomorrow. They are here to knock down the old structures and make the changes that are needed in order for us to move on to higher dimensions; the bridge from the 3rd to the 4th dimension.
They are bright, charming and impossible to live with. These children have a feeling of royalty, have difficulty with authority and get frustrated with any ritual that is without thought. They can often see a better way of doing things. Some may seem antisocial but are not shy and do not respond to guilt while letting you know what their needs are. For one thing they are more head than heart which give them the gift of being technology oriented and with the understanding of computers.
Indigo children refer to special emissaries, sent from heaven, bearing profound intent; they know exactly what they came here to accomplish. Don’t ask them what they want to be when they grow up. It doesn’t apply. But we can help them create their own disciplinary solutions and give them choices about everything. Explain why you give them instructions and listen to how it sounds to you. Never dictate without good solid reason. Allow them to be partners in raising themselves. They were born with refined communication skills and are leaders not followers, so dont try to get them to go into family businesses. Do not talk down to them. They do not respect people based on wrinkles and gray hair. You earn their respect. Let them tell you what they need. But do teach them to make good choices when it comes to the internet.
An Indigo child needs to manage anger that has been built up due to the direction the world is going in. When they are in a cranky mood they have cravings for sugar products and caffeine. They are inclined to bed wet. They have been labeled with ADD or ADHD, having an attention deficit disorder. This is wrong diagnosis and should not be handled with drugs; it will cloud what it is they are here to do. When these moods appear it is an indication that their Serotonin is low. There is a lack of sunshine which provides
Vitamin D and Melatonin which increases their Serotonin level. Exercise also increases the Serotonin levels. This provides for a good nights sleep, especially REM sleep, which applies to everyone. These children are sensitive to not only sugar, but chemicals and food additives (food coloring especially).
A big plus is to observe them interacting with others of their kind as well as interaction between parent and child and remembering they are children first. They excel in an environment where boundaries are clearly set regarding what is not acceptable, but where open exploration is encouraged with flexibility and adjustment on the part of the teacher or parent. In a nut shell, be firm but fair.
Most of all trusting one-self and others is basic in all healthy relationships. Children who operate from a secure and solid basis of trust can build mutuality and connectedness with others and a sense that somehow things will work out. Education must change to accommodate the Indigo children. Our future depends on it.
There are four types of Indigos. The Humanist, the Artist, the Conceptual and the Interdimensional. First the Humanists are the ones who will work with the masses. They will be tomorrows doctors, lawyers, teachers, salesman, businessmen and politicians. They will be the hyperactive and very social children with very strong opinions, and will be ferocious readers.
The second type will be the Artists who will be more sensitive, very creative and will be tomorrows teachers and artists. They could be surgeons or researchers and also musicians. They will usually be small in stature.
The third type, the Conceptual will be the engineers, architects, designers, astronauts, pilots and military police. There may be control issues and there may be some with addictions, and violent tendencies.
The fourth type is the inter-dimensional. They will be larger in stature and will bring the new philosophies and religions.
Many of them will come into their own by the year 2007.
Regarding schooling, Indigos as well as all children are smarter and better equipped mentally than schools are able to keep up with. Again many gifted children are mistakenly thought to be learning disabled and with the label of ADD or ADHD by their teachers as well as parents. But the fact is that when IQ testing was performed most were superior in verbal and visual spatial performance abilities. Still due to their behavior they are put on Ritalin or Cylert.
Another attribute is that they can read you like a book. They know if you are trying to manipulate them and have strong determinations to work things through for themselves. Outside guidance is only wanted if given in respect. Button pushing is met with resistance. The lesson is let them go no matter the age, because they are capable. Be aware and watch the process.
Leading into the Crystal generation of children who started coming in 1995, the difference is their temperament. Indigos have a warrior spirit since their purpose is to mash down old approaches that no longer serve us, and to squash governmental, educational and legal systems that lack integrity. They led the Crystal children with a machete chopping down anything that lacks integrity.
These children are very new on this earth, and they got their name because of the multi-colored auras, such as the crystal quartz prism effect. They are also interested in crystals and rocks. The first thing you notice is their eyes which are large and wise beyond their years. Most are happy, delightful and forgiving and prefer vegetarian meals and juices to regular food. They started arriving around 1995, though there are some who have been around longer. They are known as scouts. The Indigos also had scouts.
The crystal child as with Indigos has been given a label. Their gifts are misunderstood and some are considered to be autistic as they may be slow to talk. They are more telepathic. The problems arise when the medical and educational professionals judge them as having abnormal speaking patterns. The autistic child lives in a world of his or her own, in contrast to the Crystal child who is most connected, communicative and caring child of any generation. They are quite philosophical; showing kindness and sensitivity. They are labeled due to our systems not accommodating the process of continuing evolution.
They do have an authoritative air about them as if they are wise adults in little bodies. They are blissful and even tempered with only an occasional tantrum. They are psychic, musical, do not fake their feelings and are attracted to the ill, those in need and other crystal children. They may hum, grunt or paint and do sign language. One day they will become leaders in telepathy. It will be mind to mind communication. This ability can be polished or squelched depending on how others react to them.
These children are extremely artistic and creative and have spiritual abilities with a love for animals. They are sensitive to loud noises, crowds, temperature, clutter and disorganization. They love animals and being outdoors and dont need special toys for entertainment.
Regarding intelligence (quotient testing), there seems to be two kinds. The verbal that are usually down and non-verbal which are very high with overall scores being up collectively in contrast to the Indigos.
There is a third generation of children also starting to enter our world according to Doreen Virtue. They are the rainbow children. There isnt a lot written as of yet but according to her they are also a group of telepathic children. A subject for further investigation.
Though some Indigos arrived in the 1970s it wasnt until 1980 that an author named Nancy Ann Tappe, who had learned to see peoples life colors (auras), began noticing the auras around some of the children she encountered at that time. The color became their collective name.
At around age 26 or 27, according to Nancy Tappe, these children will come into their own. The older ones will have a strong knowing as to why they are here and the younger ones will also be clear as to what they are going to doing in this life. Up until that time their path is not and will not be clear, or is clear but blocked.
This paper expresses the work we all share in caring for these children; to help rid them of the anger they hold, and to give them the nutrition and love they need and are seeking. The anger which caused the Columbine tragedy, this was the killing of children by Indigo children who were looking for emotional wellness, namely love. Many parents and teachers do not understand the emotional needs of the powerful young beings and are in an emotional gridlock. The Indigos are here to help us elders learn emotional options and strategies for working with them so that we can evolve our own emotional adequacy and competency. We cannot deny the buildup of anger, abuse, violence and rage across the planet.
The medical, educational, faith based and mental health disciplines are not adequately addressing this emotional dysfunction. The stigma from generations past has made it hard for people to know what to do with anger. It is time to change and these children are part of that grand plan.
It is time for us to change also, and recognize that our competency for applying these principles in behalf of them lies in our own personal applications, because we are more comfortable dealing with acting out behaviors than an emotional issue. Much is to be learned and even more to be applied, since anger when manipulated and suppressed, accumulates in the uncontrolled, uncontrollable and the destructive condition of rage. Indigo childrens emotional needs and presence can be powerful and behaviorally challenging, and far too many families are either controlling or drugging them with authoritative force, and far too many parents are unaware that their child could be potentially gifted.
Indigos auras are as varied as there are shades of blue. Many of them are natural-born philosophers who think about the meaning of life and how to save the planet. Some are to be the gifted scientists, inventors and artists. Due to their intelligence they are mistakenly thought to be learning disabled or faultily labeled with ADHD, and are therefore being destroyed in the public education system.
When the Indigos are labeled it confirms and validates their inner feelings of being different. Instead of feeling happy that they are unique and have spiritual gifts and purpose, they feel ashamed of their differences. The price is high and they will be bound to chemical strait-jackets. Ritalin offers them the opportunity to fit in with the other kids and to please their parents and teachers, and it helps them escape the pain of feeling different. Ritalin may have been behind the shootings at Columbine and other violent behaviors, according to the National Narcotics Control Board.
Some of the characteristics they display are an excessive amount of energy. They are highly sensitive and bore easily. They are creative, strong willed and feel and act like royalty. There may be a history of depression, suicidal thoughts or attempts. They resist authority and prefer their own way of learning, especially reading and math. They cannot sit still unless absorbed in something of their own interest. They believe in themselves and can learn from an exploratory level and from just listening. Most candidly remark that they dont feel they belong here or I dont relate to my family, or no one understands me, I just stay angry.
Indigo children, gifted children and those labeled ADD or ADHD are almost always right brained dominant, which means they use their visual center of the brain more than the logic center. This includes nonverbal studies such as art, music, math, philosophy, psychology and the psychic arts. They need outlets to express their powerful energy. Because of their acute senses, they are easily distracted. If they become overwhelmed with sights, sounds and feelings they may withdraw into introversion.
A word that describes these Indigo children is sensitive. They are extremely sensitive to feelings, sound, nature, creatures and colors. With their intuitive abilities they can sense others thoughts and feelings and they can feel the integrity level of a stranger and sense when they are lied to. They have a love for animals and need them in their lives. They often bond with them and the animal offers the comfort these children need.
Indigo children have a fear of not experiencing adequate love. This fear was a buildup of anger that drove love away. The more the anger accumulated the greater the fear. The love they get is not comforting, touching or supporting them, so they create a strategy for surviving without it. Rage is a part of it and a condition that develops because they feel it has power and keeps them from experiencing the sadness that is stored below the surface. It is a desperate cry for love.
If we the elders are incapable of loving ourselves then we are incapable of helping others. We have untapped emotional potential and we are in these childrens lives to help them develop emotional maturity and integration. At the same time they can give us an opportunity to expand so that both sides can experience more love. First we need to honor our own need by making good choices and honoring our priorities.
Our childrens anger is about needs we have been unable to meet based on our current capacities. Increasing our capacities often requires making changes within ourselves and within our lives. Once we identify those changes and begin making them we will have greater capacity to help the children attract what they need.
Every individual has a life purpose; a personal one and a global one. Their personal purpose involves certain characteristics you are trying to develop such as patience and compassion. The global purpose involves discovering developing and using your natural talents and interests to help other people and the planet. Some peoples purpose affects a few and others help thousands.
The indigo children share a similar global purpose and will follow their inner guidance to usher in a new age of peace. Their role in the world today has ancient roots when people were more peaceful and loving. They are compelled to help others despite the fact that their self-esteem has taken a beating, and despite the abuse perpetrated by teachers, parents and other school children. They need guidance on how to channel their altruism as they are here to show us how to trust our intuition and become more telepathic.
The Indigos won’t betray their true inner feeling unless they are forced to by parents, teachers or their intuition is drowned in Ritalin or other medications. This is what happened in the 1960s when the first generation of Indigos arrived. They were to bring integrity to our government and other systems, but got distracted by heavy drug use. They were disheartened by the Vietnam War and Watergate and got side tracked, and became known as the hippie generation. These new children will be more focused if given the chance.
Several ADD and ADHD experts state that if the children would jog once or twice a day, it would virtually eliminate the need for Ritalin prescriptions. Exercise is important. These children are also sensitive to unnatural chemicals such as household cleaning agents, food additives, dyes and good coloring which worsen their hyperactivity. They do not have a tolerance for artificial smells such as perfumes and cologne.
Diet has also been blamed for ADD and ADHD. The children feel they are receiving an adrenalin rush which is still in the meat when an animal is killed. Fast foods affect them negatively making them feel they have to hurry through life. A more balanced diet will help them focus their attention, especially if refined white sugar and flour is eliminated. It is too much of a rush of energy rather than a slow release. A diet of fresh fruits and vegetables and live food (grains), uncooked, unfrozen and un-canned along with no juicing that last longer than 20 min before drinking, is best so the life force is not removed.
Low blood sugar is also an underlying problem with the Indigos. It can be caused by too much sugar that causes agitation, anger and irritability. But never skip their breakfast even if it has to be left over pizza. Small snacks of trail mix, nuts or peanut butter sandwich will quickly stabilize their blood sugar.
It has also been noted that vitamin and mineral supplements lead to significant improvement in behavior. Fatty acids such as flaxseed oil would help with the deficiency they may have.
One of the changes that could be met is in the schools, and more precisely, homework. It is a stressor for families as well as the children. Huge amounts of homework that these children find boring and useless. The reason they are here is to change the educational, political, medical and legal systems and they need our help and respect. And as we heal ourselves and them, it will change the consciousness of the planet and the universe.
Lancaster, Dianne. Anger and the Indigo Child, Boulder, Colorado. Wellness Press, 2002
Virtue, Doreen, Ph.D. The Care and Feeding of Indigo Children. Carslbad, California, Hay House, Inc. 2001.Canada. Raincoast, 2004
Carroll, Lee and Jan Taber, Indigo Children. The New Kids Have Arrived. Carlsbad, Calirfornia Hay House, Inc. 2005
Virtue, Doreen, Ph.D. The Crystal Children A Guide to the Newest Generation of Psychic and Sensitive Children. . Carlsbad, California Hay House, Inc. 2003
Virtue, Doreen, Ph.D. Indigo,Crystal, and Rainbow Children. Hay House, Inc.,2005

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