How do you know when you’re comfortable, in pain, bored, or terrified?.....
How do you know when you trust or don’t trust someone?......
How do you know when you’re happy, said, pleased, disappointed, or neutral?....
Remember the last time you laughed so hard that you cried and the last time you cried your heart out. Even though in both situations tears came out of your eyes, didn’t you know the difference?......
Did you know that from thinking about it or from feeling it in your body?.....
The next time you’re angry, frustrated, peaceful, scared, or in grief, ask yourself…. Where in my body do I experience this feeling/emotion?...... what are the specific sensations of this feeling/emotion?.......
We have no feelings unless we have physical ones. It is through our bodies that we know love, that we receive it and give it… and other emotions. Even when we speak, our bodies often contradict our words……
When we become more aware that we have inside us resources for knowing and evaluating, then we begin to develop an inner source of confidence, which has repercussions in our self-concepts, self-esteem, morality, and behavior, as well as in our relationships, health, and creativity.
What we reject in ourselves is usually what we most need to befriend. Once we accept it and respond with compassion, it can heal or blossom….
What we need to learn is how to be an accepting, kind, and understanding friend to our own bodies, as we are with our dear friends…. When we establish an amicable relationship with our bodies, they are sure to respond in kind…. With comfort, pleasure, energy, strength, flexibility, ease… and wisdom…..
If you’re interested in transforming your life, a shift in attitude will take you a long way…..
Discovering the Body’s Wisdom by Mirka Knaster
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