Friday, September 18, 2015

Sometimes we will open our mouth with a clear intent of our heart to speak something, but will not quite know where the words are in our head. So we start to channel from the heart in a new way, which is the opportunity for spirit to speak clearly through us. Channel it and do so in a very positive way. Look for change, absolutely. There are many shifts and rapid changes that need to take place in our systems in order to transition from one area to the next. Step into it. Claim it. Step forward. Each of us has brought a part of the blueprints for the New Earth from Home. Now we may call it our internal truth, but it only fits together when we can speak it in such a way that it fits together with the other truths around us. How do we do that? Very simple. Practice. That is all there is.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

A greater understanding happens when we can no longer hide from ourselves those spiritual visions at the center of our being. We allow everything to flow together - red, yellow, orange, green - perfectly. Everything we need is here for us to enjoy and share with each other. There are many dimensions - physical, non-physical, emotional - non-emotional, earthly, non-earthly, to help us on our path. Use this time. Balance this time. Many are beginning to receive lovely messages during this time of greater understanding. Are you ready to experience a different way of being? Look around notice how strong we are when we work together allowing each other to bring what each other needs.