Saturday, November 26, 2011

Experience: Observing your breath

Stop for a moment and notice how fast, slow, shallow, or deep your breath is.  Don’t make any effort to change it.  Just watch your breath as it enters your nostrils, fills your lungs, and expands your chest.  Notice how it makes your abdomen inflate or rise when you breathe in.  Then, as you breathe out, feel how your belly deflates and falls and your chest drops back…..  Did the air coming into your nostrils feel cold or warm?.. When the air touched the area above your upper lip as it came out of your nostrils, was it cold or warm?...  Did you breathe in and out through both nostrils, or in one and out the other? …. After several breaths, has each breath become easier or more labored?.... Do you feel calmer or more anxious?... Has your heartbeat slowed down or speeded up?...

Any emotional response you have will immediately change your breathing pattern.  Simply becoming aware of your breathing changes it, but without any active intention or effort to do so.  The mere observation of our natural functions is enough to connect us with our body and what it wants to do, given the opportunity.

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