Sunday, November 20, 2011

Basic Philosophy of Natural Health / Attitude and Your Mind

Attitude is your self-talk….   Our attitude is our internal dialogue—what we tell ourselves, either consciously or subconsciously, about the people, circumstances and events around us. A good attitude is a buffer against stress and disease. It promotes a good immune system. A bad or negative attitude causes the body to release chemicals into the bloodstream that are inappropriate for the situation and detrimental to health
    * Health is a state of well-being in which the body is vital, balanced & adaptive to its environment, not merely the absence of illness.
    * Causes of illness are multiple actions/forces which interfere with the balance and movement of  energy: one's constitution, psyche, lifestyle, trauma, and environmental stress (nature or human-made).
    * Symptoms are signs from the body that something is wrong and needs to be addressed.
    * Prevention: by correcting early-stage imbalances and unhealthy lifestyle
    * Personal Responsibility: the psyche and lifestyle are key causes of energetic imbalances. 
    *Attitude is your self-talk
    * Your attitude is a key part of the  mind - body model of Natural Health.
    * Attitude is a psychogenic factor of the mind - body connection.
           Psychogenic factors affect both your mind and body.
    * For good natural health you have to be both physically and emotionally well.
    * Attitude is about having the fortitude to do, what you want to do, when you want to do it.
    * Stress comes from how you have chosen to react to the stresses of everyday life, rather than from the stressor itself.
    * A strong mind, or the capacity to say no, improves a person's health.
    * Stop reacting to stressors, and start acting by plan.
    * Having a strong mind, being responsible, self-disciplined, capable, easygoing, having a low level of anxiety, enthusiasm, sensitivity, and warmth is correlated to successful aging
Attitude is a strong mind
Your unconscious mind refers to the automatic processes controlled by your brain and nervous system that collectively take place without your awareness or conscious control. Any behavior that has become routine and is done without conscious thought is controlled by your unconscious mind, by definition. Emotions and feelings are an integral part of your experience of self-awareness. Yet emotions are a part of your unconscious mind because they operate automatically.

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