Sunday, July 15, 2012

"Life is an inside job"

Unhealed issues on one within the circle
I invite you to take a break from your daily routine.  Join me in a retreat of guided counseling sessions......because now you are ready to live your happiest life.

Each person has what are called "Original Wounds". Traumas coming either from their current life or previous ones, that has led them to send a divine part of their soul away to the lower world to protect it. During our time together we will go to a place of discovering and healing those original wound.  Create a new, positive, life-affirming agreement to replace the old wounded one, to reclaim the divine part of us that has been hidden away, and integrate a healed outcome.
"In search of the authentic self": these are pretty words, words we can use to impress our friends. However, when these words come to represent a quest, a mission to know who we are, or part of our longing for the truth, they carry a totally different energy. Even when it means suffering and showing one's weaknesses, we come to the realization that there is no way to know the authentic self without giving up our pretensions, our ego desires.

You are ready to admit that your life has not been working.
If you are really searching for the truth, with questions such as, "Why do I have anxiety? Why are my relationships rocky? Why do I have addictions? Why am I on medication? Why do I have so much fear and doubt?" that cannot be ignored any longer... admitting that you are in a situation that is not working for you breaks the first link in the chain that keeps you in bondage, keeps you from remembering who you are.  You are ready to break through this intense battle of a lot of sacrifice and suffering.
Dorena is offering guided counseling sessions through a day long or overnight retreat, she is offering to help you to understand that as you have been searching for the truth and trying to discover who you are…you can now create your own destiny and so become one with your heart, spirit, soul and the entire cosmos of life.

Option I:  One Day -  $150 plus food
Option 2:  Overnight Camping
$ 350 plus food, tent, gear, transportation,
...offers personal healing sessions and self development circles.  

email interests to Dorena

My intention is to get a group of people together  to help each other move past our blocks.  
Part of the day we get to know each other and learn about what brings each of us to the circle. Share experiences.
Part of the day we will prepare and share a meal.     

We will have a regression meditation to find and look at the lesson presented and learn how to move through it.  For the majority of people who experience this type of session, the single most significant benefit is the opportunity to bring up and to heal past wounds that are still influencing the present lifetime. One way to look at it is often traumatic experiences from other lifetimes remain locked in the mental, emotional and physical body, creating fears, limitations, emotional and physical disturbances that hinder one's ability to experience the full potential of this lifetime.
Share experiences with the group to repair the wound and receive the healing. 

For the day retreat we will meet at the Beyond Natural Health Center...  outside if the day is beautiful.. we have a lovely back area. In the meditation room for the regression meditation. In the kitchen for our meal preparation and then again outside to share food and conversation.
A date will be picked after I see the interest.  I have already received quite a few emails asking for more info. If you are interested please offer a date that would work best for you and we can prepare from there.

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