I believe that regardless of religion, each individual is ultimately their own spiritual guide and absolutely the expert in their own spiritual journey – that what is true for one person is not necessarily true for another, and that what is true for someone in one moment may not be true for them in the next. As such, I teach techniques and skills to help you learn to be that guide – to find and learn to stay true to your own path, moment to moment, through all of the changes and circumstances of life, and to be mentally, emotionally, and spiritually strong and happy.
During several of my sessions with clients lately, we have found a greater understanding of the habitual loop we play out in our daily lives by using a series of questions technique exercise during meditation. Each person is unique in discovering their habitual loop although this can be done in a group setting as well.
We say a prayer for protection during our journey and then begin with a meditation which ultimately leads us to a table with four chairs. The client sits in one of the chairs and is then greeted by a loved one, a guide or whoever shows up.
Before the session I would have created a series of specific question to ask and receive the answers from the client. During the session I would write down the answers and at the end of the meditation we would say a prayer to close the session.
As we go over the answers together we begin seeing a pattern that developed over several years or perhaps lifetimes. This is the perfect opportunity to acknowledge and begin the healing process of this habitual loop. Please note that we cannot always “see” our habitual loop and need help deciphering. This can be done by re-reading your questions and answers again over a period of time, journaling your thoughts on each question and answer, or ask a friend to read it with you.