Some tools that I use: Philosophy of Natural Health, Intuition, Symbols, and Shamanism. Symbolic languages and the intuitive arts, like Numerology, Tarot, Psychic Development, are alive with information, revealing your chosen gifts and challenges for this lifetime. Shamanism and symbolism reflect and illuminate the aspects of our lives that define our human experience. I also use an integration of psychological growth and a spiritual attunement approach…viewing the complications of life not as problems, but as gateways to greater understanding. Learning and teaching that crisis can become an opportunity for growth. Philosophy of Natural Health is an integrated approach that I use which takes into account body, mind, emotions and spirit. Philosophy of Natural Health is an approach that works “outside the box” of set procedures.
Based on this information, I work with the client to form a game plan for wellness and for better health. The first step is modified based on the level of willingness and determination the client expresses to begin living a healthy lifestyle. Together we build the steps in a customized step-by-step process for the client to follow.
These sessions are then updated, changed, and refined on a regular basis (usually every 3-5 weeks). The goal is to help clients make permanent lifestyle changes that are supportive to a healthy life and lifestyle, and to assist the client in reaching their optimum wellness potential.
This is a natural healing complementary program that almost anybody can benefit from. It is an educational method that includes aura balancing, guided imagery, and philosophical discussion. It makes the subject see the therapy method not as a cure to crisis, but as an open door towards growth. Our goal is to integrate the body, mind, and spirit. If these aspects are integrated successfully, one can attain personal mastery and develop positive thinking. As a healing method, it goes beyond the norm because it involves spiritual attunement.