Sunday, July 15, 2012

Many people have inquired about taking Refresher Reiki classes

I periodically run a Reiki refresher/revision workshop for people who would like some revision or a booster attunement after having attended a Reiki workshop, regardless of when that was.  Refresher days are very much a 'hands-on' experience, focusing on energy practice rather than theory, and are a great confidence boost if you are looking for some additional support or simply a few hours spent gently relaxing with Reiki.
These workshops are for anyone who, for whatever reason, has either not kept up their Reiki practice, has never really got off the ground with it and would like to do so now, or who would like some revision to boost their confidence and motivation and get them kick-started. 
Anyone who might find a short, general Reiki refresher helpful is welcome, whether they originally did their Reiki training with me or with someone else.  These workshops are also suitable for anyone who has studied with someone else and would like to consolidate or add to their knowledge by experiencing Reiki with a different teacher.  If you are interested, I would be delighted to hear from you.  Please note that this Reiki workshop is designed primarily for people wanting to revise how to feel the energy and how to tune into and channel Reiki.  It is not suitable for people with no previous Reiki training of any kind, or for anyone specifically looking to revise the symbols or how to use them, as some of the participants will not yet have progressed to that level.
Students revise the Reiki principles, practice scanning/feeling the energy, both on themselves and on others, practice breathing techniques for calming the nervous system, grounding exercises for centering, visualization exercises, Reiki meditation for focus and intent, how to channel energy, and different methods of self-healing and healing others, including the use of intuition.  There is plenty of opportunity for questions and discussion, and there will also be a booster attunement. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Reiki

First Degree Refresher/Review
Did you take Reiki years ago but have not used it recently. The Reiki First Degree Refresher will reacquaint you with Reiki. Start using Reiki again for yourself, family and friends.
Reiki First Degree Refresher Review is 2 1/2 hours in length.
Pre-requisite is First Degree Reiki (level one)
Review of First Degree Reiki
Review of hand positions for self and others.
Practice time working on self and others.
Review of how to ground yourself.
Learn to energize, infuse and enhance items, food and water with Reiki.
This is not a certificate course
Cost is $55.00     Minimum of 2 people

First and Second Degree Refresher/Review
If it's been a while since you obtained your First and Second Degree of Reiki and you would like to reacquaint yourself with Reiki this is “A Wonderful Reiki Refresher”.
Review of First and Second Degree (1st and 2nd level of Reiki) is one 3 ½ hour day or two evenings.
Pre-requisite: First and Second Degree Reiki Courses
Review of First and Second Degree Levels
In person and distance Reiki sessions practice.
Mental and emotional healing practice.
Practice drawing Second Degree Symbols.
Practice using Second Degree Symbols.
Learn to energize, infuse and enhance items, food and water with Reiki.
This is not a certificate course.
Cost is $85.00  Minimum of 2 people.

Master Refresher/Review
Sometimes you just need a quick refresher of the awesome and touching experience of taking on the mastership of Reiki and knowing how to pass on this powerful tradition to others that want to learn how to help themselves and others to heal.

This refresher will be 3 hours long.
Please bring your master manual. 

Whether you need to remember the experience you had once before or you need to learn to teach others...come on to join in to this honor of tradition to mastery!!

$200 pre-paid  Minimum of 2 people.

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"Life is an inside job"

Unhealed issues on one within the circle
I invite you to take a break from your daily routine.  Join me in a retreat of guided counseling sessions......because now you are ready to live your happiest life.

Each person has what are called "Original Wounds". Traumas coming either from their current life or previous ones, that has led them to send a divine part of their soul away to the lower world to protect it. During our time together we will go to a place of discovering and healing those original wound.  Create a new, positive, life-affirming agreement to replace the old wounded one, to reclaim the divine part of us that has been hidden away, and integrate a healed outcome.
"In search of the authentic self": these are pretty words, words we can use to impress our friends. However, when these words come to represent a quest, a mission to know who we are, or part of our longing for the truth, they carry a totally different energy. Even when it means suffering and showing one's weaknesses, we come to the realization that there is no way to know the authentic self without giving up our pretensions, our ego desires.

You are ready to admit that your life has not been working.
If you are really searching for the truth, with questions such as, "Why do I have anxiety? Why are my relationships rocky? Why do I have addictions? Why am I on medication? Why do I have so much fear and doubt?" that cannot be ignored any longer... admitting that you are in a situation that is not working for you breaks the first link in the chain that keeps you in bondage, keeps you from remembering who you are.  You are ready to break through this intense battle of a lot of sacrifice and suffering.
Dorena is offering guided counseling sessions through a day long or overnight retreat, she is offering to help you to understand that as you have been searching for the truth and trying to discover who you are…you can now create your own destiny and so become one with your heart, spirit, soul and the entire cosmos of life.

Option I:  One Day -  $150 plus food
Option 2:  Overnight Camping
$ 350 plus food, tent, gear, transportation,
...offers personal healing sessions and self development circles.  

email interests to Dorena

My intention is to get a group of people together  to help each other move past our blocks.  
Part of the day we get to know each other and learn about what brings each of us to the circle. Share experiences.
Part of the day we will prepare and share a meal.     

We will have a regression meditation to find and look at the lesson presented and learn how to move through it.  For the majority of people who experience this type of session, the single most significant benefit is the opportunity to bring up and to heal past wounds that are still influencing the present lifetime. One way to look at it is often traumatic experiences from other lifetimes remain locked in the mental, emotional and physical body, creating fears, limitations, emotional and physical disturbances that hinder one's ability to experience the full potential of this lifetime.
Share experiences with the group to repair the wound and receive the healing. 

For the day retreat we will meet at the Beyond Natural Health Center...  outside if the day is beautiful.. we have a lovely back area. In the meditation room for the regression meditation. In the kitchen for our meal preparation and then again outside to share food and conversation.
A date will be picked after I see the interest.  I have already received quite a few emails asking for more info. If you are interested please offer a date that would work best for you and we can prepare from there.

Fees for Private Group Class – with Tarot Consultation and Teacher ~ An intimate, intense and wholly satisfying way to learn Tarot

This is for private group class events at which people agree in advance to learn to read the Tarot in depth, in a less hurried, more intimate environment (typical for private group class events hosted at someone's home for a number of interested students who want to unlock the secrets of the Tarot and learn to read for their friends).  An example cost would be $530 us dollars per student for a minimum of five people, plus expenses and travel costs to and from the location from Dorena’s base in Syracuse.  Depending on a larger group and requirements, fees are negotiable.

By the end of the intensive 30-35 hour course, you will be able to use the cards for contemplation, personal growth, and for simple readings for yourself and friends. You will come out of the course loving the Tarot's imagery, appreciating its depth, and grounded in the basis of its secret language.  You will most likely also learn some interesting and inspiring things you probably never expected, and make new friends along the way!  Dorena is a lively teacher who is committed to excellence in instruction. She has a clear philosophy and approach.

Autumn Equinox Celebration September 22, 2012

Autumn Equinox Celebration 
September 22, 2012

The Autumn Equinox is the balance between light and dark.  As we give thinks for the abundance that the long days and strong power have given, we also take this moment to balance, to rest, to simply be, and prepare ourselves for the growing cold and dark.  We recognize that what appears as death is merely the preparation for rebirth; that what is reaped at the harvest will become seed for the next year.  We remember the mystery - there is no death; all that dies will be reborn. And for this too, we give thanks.
Join Dorena on September 22nd, in celebration for the Autumn Equiniox.  Bring a dish to pass ... come in costume... prepare to be called into the circle.  
For all who have worked and fought for a fairer univerese and a life of dignity and freedom we thank you for the opportunity to learn and grow, the knowledge to teach and make choices and for the wisdom to live our lives in hope and not fear, by our deeds and not by our words.
Reserve your seat in the circle.